Monday, January 02, 2006

New year has started...

New year has started with a good note. Bella has proven to be totally unaffected by shooting and fireworks. When our neighbours were firing fireworks and there were loud noises everywhere BOTH my dogs were snoring in the sofa and/or in my bed !!! So I need not have worried about how Bella might react !!! :-D

Today was my first day at work. I am a bit tired but it was nice to go back. Today was also a bit stressful for Bella, since she had gotten used for me being home all the time. Now when I was gone most of the day she was feeling a bit down, but when I got home she gave me a heck of a welcome ! There was one VERY extremely happy little Vall !!!

Soon our competition and show season will start. Our first competition is scheduled on February the 4th. We have an agility competition in Varkaus and I have planned to enter Jonni there. And on the 18th and 19th of February we have two group shows where both dogs are to be entered. So soon our "lazy days" are over !!! Now it time for training and waiting and preparing for things to come...

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